
Home and Business Services
Hardware and Software Troubleshooting Investigating and fixing error messages, computer freezes & lock ups, poor performance or applications that simply wont work.
Virus/Spyware Protection and Removal Ensure the best, most cost effective may to protect your system security against an ever changing threat.
Internet and Email Setup and Assistance First time setup, new PC or changing ISP will all require you internet & email configuring without losing time or information.
Remote Access and Diagnostics A good majority of issues can be dealt with using our remote access tool to repair and advise on problems whilst you watch on your screen.
Data Recovery Hardware failure and accidental deletion does happen but in this unfortunate event all is not necessarily lost.
Sales of new & used IT equipment Let us quote for your new hardware & software. We keep a keen eye on a list of trade suppliers and can almost always find you a cheaper option.
Upgrades & Refurbishment Sometimes updating your existing equipment can prove more cost effective.

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